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16. März 2021

KKB 16. März Projekt Hoffnung
Projekt Hoffnung © Benjamin Hofmann (6e)

Cartoons on Homeschooling (10b)

In the picture you can see two people. On the left side of the picture a young girl is sitting on a chair and doing her homework/ completing her assignments. She is looking right to the other person, who seems to be her father, asking what the Pythagorean theorem was when it was at home. On the right side of the picture her father, who is standing next to her looking slightly scared and panic-stricken, is delaying his answer, from which you can tell he doesn´t know what his daughter is talking about. In a thought bubble, he admits that not all teachers are stupid and failures, but are needed and important. The pandemic and its consequences have changed his mind. The cartoon shows that the Corona period is difficult and exhausting for everyone, especially for families. Children sit at home all day long and have to teach themselves most of the material, but parents are not always a great help, because they have to work and their children´s school material is also complicated for them. Teachers are extremely important at times like this to help students, to explain the material and to provide them with material so that they can do well this school year and there will be no problems in the next one.

KKB 16. März CartoonCartoon on Homeschooling © Klasse 10b
KKB 16. März Elbenkrone
Elbenkrone © Alia Haugg (5b)

Elbenkrone (Alia Haugg, 5b)

Märchen als Mutmacher? Auf jeden Fall Vielfalt und manchmal Aktualität. Viel Vergnügen beim Lesen und Hören!

Hier geht's zum Onlinebuch (Bookcreator)

Elfentanz (Edvard Grieg) - Leni Hendlmeier (7b)

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Frühlingsgedicht (Paula Müller, 9d)

Kalte Nächte, kühler Morgen
die ersten Sonnenstrahlen
dahinter viel mehr verborgen
vorbei mit den düsteren Tagen

Ich gehe auf grünen Feldern
atme die frische Luft
um mich herum nur Wälder
vernehme den leichten Duft

Der Wind pfeift um die Ohren
die Sonne zeigt sich wieder
Sorgen scheinen verloren
ganz langsam blüht der Flieder

Die Tage werden länger
alles wird langsam grün
Straßen füllen Fußgänger
Bald wird wieder alles blühn!

Poems by balthasar Betz (6a)

What do you do in hot summers?

In summer I go hiking, jogging and mountain biking near the lake,
but when I go canoeing and swimming in the lake, I always see a watersnake.
I’m standing in the lake and holding my breath…Oh yay the watersnake swam away.
You must know these rules against watersnakes ‘cause this is key…yay’.

Money, Money, Money

Mountainboarding, waterrafting and horseriding is funny,
but it always costs a lot of money.


Why don’t you go hiking in the summer sun?
"Cause when there’s a bear I have to run."

What do you want to eat or drink?

Lemonade, cheesecake
or a watermelon shake?