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Erasmus+ Schoolprojects

Erasmus+ is the EU programme for the promotion of education, training, youth and sport. Its budget is 14.7 billion euros for the period 2014 to 2020.

The new EU programme focuses on promoting learning mobility and transnational cooperation. The exchange of good practice in the field of education and youth is important. In sport, the programme will focus primarily on cooperation projects and popular sport.


Erasmus+ supports the objectives of the EU's Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social justice and inclusion. The main objectives for the school sector are:

  • to reduce the rate of early school leavers in the EU to less than 10% by 2020
  • to improve the key competences needed for the labour market and society;
  • to strengthen the professional competences of teachers and school leaders;
  • to improve participation in and the quality of early childhood care, education and training

For each programme year, the EU Commission sets priorities that describe the programme's funding priorities. At least one priority must be selected when submitting an application.

Target group

Erasmus+ in the school sector is open to all organisations planning projects in the field of school education and vocational training. Both public and private institutions, but also companies are eligible to apply.