Your possibilities to participate with your class
On this page you will find a selection of possibilities that you can take advantage of if you would like to realize an extracurricular project with your class on the topic of "UNESCO World Heritage".
Of course, you can also contact us directly at any time as the World Heritage Coordination of the City of Regensburg if you have further ideas or suggestions for projects on site. We are currently working on a handbook for teachers to demonstrate the teaching of skills outside the classroom and to show specifically for which school types in which grades the topic of World Heritage in its many facets appears. World Heritage is a source of inspiration and can be anchored very well in teaching, especially in interdisciplinary projects.
Take a look at our current and completed projects, perhaps there is something interesting for you here. We have also compiled a list of external cooperation partners who you are welcome to contact at any time with a request.
We look forward to your feedback!