On an european trail in Regensburg
The focus of the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018 was on identifying the common and unifying of European culture. The Year of Cultural Heritage aimed above all to reach young people, create links with their environment and win them over as actors and multipliers.
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft bayerischer Lehrer/innen und Architekt/innen, Architektur und Schule e.V. (Working Group of Bavarian Teachers and Architects, Architecture and Schools), which emerged from an initiative of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture, Science and Art and the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, had set itself the task of promoting building culture education and anchoring it in Bavarian schools across all subjects. The World Heritage Coordination of the City of Regensburg was able to realize great projects with Regensburg schools and their partner schools in 2018 through this cooperation under the direction of Stephanie Reiterer and Jan Weber-Ebnet.
The central sustainable goal was to sharpen pupils' perception of architectural qualities, to develop a critical awareness of the built environment and to provide them with the necessary "tools" for actively dealing with architectural and urban planning tasks.
Since the beginning of the 2017/2018 school year, the FOS/BOS Regensburg, the Gymnasium Lappersdorf, the Albrecht-Altdorfer Gymnasium, the private Gymnasium Pindl and the Konrad Mittelschule have been intensively engaged with building culture and history in Regensburg, and have discussed a lot about their own origins and identity, about society and Europe.
In 2017 a project on the Jewish traces in Regensburg could be carried out with the FOS/BOS, the Gymnasium Lappersdorf and the German School Prague. In April 2018, students of the Gymnasium Lappersdorf and their partner schools from the Czech Republic and Italy went on a search for traces around the monastery St. Emmeram.
On 23rd and 24th June 2018, the Albrecht-Altdorf Gymnasium, the private Gymnasium Pindl and the Konrad Mittelschule presented themselves with a BAUKULTUR-TOUR. On this weekend, coinciding with the Ostgassenfest and in cooperation with the social initiatives, the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments and the Bulgarian Orthodox community, three locations were brought into the public focus for a short period of time. Guided tours, discussion groups, a hands-on painting event, exhibitions and a Roman children's festival with games and sports, archaeology in the box and much more awaited the guests.