Project day in the historical salt barn in Regensburg
The pupils were participants in the "denkmal aktiv" participants' meeting. They came from schools which are being supported by "denkmal aktiv" in the 2017/18 school year (mainly from the southern federal states, but also e.g. from Berlin). The meeting took place from 12 to 14 April 2018, the main venue was the St. Josef Monastery in Neumarkt/OPf.
Some words about the "denkmal aktiv" year 2017/18: In this school year, around 90 schools were participating in the school programme of the German Foundation for Monument Conservation. Each of them was dealing with questions about the value and significance of cultural heritage, including European links, using buildings of local and regional historical significance.
While the teachers visited Nuremberg on April 13, the students took part in a full-day program with practice-oriented workshops in Regensburg:
(1) World Heritage Regensburg - Exploration through exhibition and on-site visits, World Heritage Visitor Centre;
(2) Archaeological search for traces. AktionKulturSozial, Archaeology in the Box;
(3) Historical architecture and its details - to recognize, grasp and artistically implement. Institute for Art Education at the University of Regensburg, State Working Group for Architecture and School;
Experts from cultural and educational institutions e.g. AtkionKulturSozial and bauwärts GbR and from the World Heritage Coordination of Regensburg supported this project.