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Free tours through the exhibition

What makes Regensburg a World Heritage site? History and stories.

You would like to be given a tour through the exhibition and learn more about UNESCO World Heritage Regensburg?

Just come to the information desk in the World Heritage Visitor Centre Regensburg.

We show you around the exhibition between 11 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. in German and English - for free and on demand. We offer group tours (up to 15 persons) and single tours.

You also are welcome to book a tour in advance to make sure that a tour guide is available for you at your favored time.
Phone: +49 (0)941 507-5410 or E-Mail: ZWQuZ3J1YnNuZWdlciRlYnJldGxldy5tdXJ0bmV6cmVoY3VzZWI=

Führung durch das Besucherzentrum Welterbe mit Kindern

As a special service we also provide tours in easy german for non-native speakers and tours for children age 6 and up.
Contact Ms Susanne Niederleitner:
Phone: +49 (0)941 507-5410 or E-Mail: ZWQuZ3J1YnNuZWdlciRlbm5hc3VzLnJlbnRpZWxyZWRlaW4=

We are looking forward to seeing you!

the team of the World Heritage Visitor Centre Regensburg