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Investment Programme until 2014

With a special investment programme the German Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development supports investment related to the German World Heritage sites. The German Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development allocates 220 Million Euros of funding until 2014 for this programme.

Symbolbild: Stadt Regensburg
Logo Investitionsprogramm © Stadt Regensburg

Regensburg also stands to benefit from this investment programme. For the following projects the City of Regensburg was lucky to get about 10.6 Million Euros.

Restoration of the Stone Bridge
From World Heritage programme
5.000.000 Euro
From other fundings
9.300.000 Euro
Establishment of „Music Centre“
From World Heritage programme
1.000.000 Euro
From other fundings
1.000.000 Euro
Establishment Visitor Centre World Heritage Regensburg
From World Heritage programme
1.000.000 Euro
From other fundings
300.000 Euro

"Roman Heritage"
From World Heritage programme
1.100.000 Euro
Energy Extraction from wastewater
From World Heritage programme
500.000 Euro

Restoration of the Neupfarrkirche
From World Heritage programme
629.000 Euro
From other fundings
94.000 Euro
Restoration of walls in Villapark
From World Heritage programme
227.000 Euro
Restoration of Frescos in St. Kassian
From World Heritage programme
267.000 Euro
From other fundings
40.000 Euro
Establishment document Niedermünster
From World Heritage programme
173.000 Euro
other fundings
60.000 Euro